Hello! I am Ariel Golez UX researcher and web designer that provides my client functional prototypes and comprehensive research to create the best websites thus creating a seamless website experience and attracting more users.
Kind of like Mark Zuckerburg meets Four Seasons.
Business: Market Research, Entrepreneurship, and Business Management
Design: UX Design, UI Design, Prototyping, and UX Writing
Education: Speaking Skills, Presentations, Teaching, and Lesson Plan
Social Media: Content Strategy, Content Audit, Content Planning, Instagram, and TikTok
Software: Later, Preview, Figma, Notion, Content Central, COLT, Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro
Soft Skill: Teamwork, Work Ethic, and Growth Mindset
Quick Facts
Ariel Golez has background in business, education and design. Currently pursuing specialization in UX design.
Residing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada however available for online consultations.
Golez believes that UX design is perfect niche for her to thrive in as it incorporates her background, empowers her, and amplifies the lives of others by boosting their projects.